Event Recap: GivingTuesday 2022

Beam would like to take a moment to thank each and every person who donated to last week’s GivingTuesday fundraiser. With your support, we raised just shy of our initial goal totaling $17,079!

On GivingTuesday with your support we built the “Beam BandWagon,” an interactive, partially motorized, and musical project. Because of you, we are able to continue building the real "Beam BandWagon" - Beam Center - and expanding our work with NYC's youth. We're trying to reach our $20,000 goal, though, so there's still time to give! Make your donation today and help cross the finish line.

Our work would not be possible without your support and direct investment in young people - thank you for your continued support!

The “Beam BandWagon”

Over the course of the day, young people from our different programs and enterprises joined our hosts to speak about their experiences at Beam Center. See below to hear from the young people that participated in our GivingTuesday fundraising event.

Joining us for a morning segment, two of our Fall 2022 Apprentices and our Program Assistant, Yaldiri, spoke with our host, Brett, about their experiences in the Apprenticeship program and what they have been creating.

Later in the day, our hosts Serena and Yemi received a care package from our Project Leaders delivered by our Program Associate, Mishi, and our Program Assistant, JJ. The care package included a letter from this year’s Project Leaders and a collections of projects that they’ve been designing and prototyping related to this year’s theme of sound. In the letter, they stated “Project Leaders are young inventors with bright minds, thriving to invent, create, and help children make projects.” Read their full letter below and see the incredible work they’re doing!

If you missed our GivingTuesday segments live, head over to the videos tab on our Instagram to see the impact you are making on the young people with whom we work. You'll find segments that cover all of Beam's programs and enterprises, and you can also see how the GivingTuesday "Beam BandWagon" came to be!

Many thanks to all the Beamers who made this event possible - enjoy this peek behind the scenes as we prepared for GivingTuesday 2022!


Dondo Zakheim


Kieran Pierre