Our Team

Two young summer campers outside in the woods. They have their arms around each other and are smiling.

Beam Center’s community is made up of youth, adults, artists, educators, metalworkers, community organizers, social workers, scholars, musicians, comedians, DJ’s, filmmakers, code writers, thespians, administrators, carpenters, ceramicists, mechanics, and the list goes on.

Two students outside near a brick building. They are smiling and holding up projects made of cut paper.

Meet all of the talented people who are part of Beam Center:

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Our Board:

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Our Artists

Our Supporters

Photo credits on this page:

Vinny Antoine-Fils | Mitchell Dose | David Golann | Zelie Lewis | Salina Magarati | Endy Pierre | Sherlyn Ponce | Evan Ross Murphy | Ridima Shrestha | Devon Smith Jr. | Emily Wilson

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Learn more about what we do