I.S. 145 + East Brooklyn Community High School

We’re wrapping up the 2021-2022 school year with some more amazing in-school projects, led by Project Designer, Anthony. At the first of Anthony’s two school placements, students at I.S. 145 Joseph Pulitzer recently finished making their own remote controlled cars. As part of an after school club’s programming, 7 & 8th grade students were allowed to choose what they wanted to build as a group, and this year they chose a remote controlled car. Each student built their own car and then created a remote controller with which they could drive it. 

Skills involved in building the remote controlled cars included woodworking, basics of electronics, circuitry using arduino, and the concept of remote control. Students learned how things like electronic buttons work as well as the different types of things one can move through electronics and circuitry. 

Last week marked the end of this project, and students had a showcase gathering in collaboration with students from other after school clubs. Students showed their peers the project they had worked on over the recent months, and they tested out their cars for the group on a ramp they built.

At Anthony’s second school placement, students at East Brooklyn Community High School are finishing up a mechanical art project called the Moving Art Piece. Students began by using stop motion in their art class to make animation, and now they are bringing those animations to life with Anthony. Students researched different art pieces that they found interesting and used those as an inspiration to create their own works of art.

Among other materials and tools, students are learning to use server motors and arduino to create their stop motion works. Server motors help their art pieces move, while the arduino helps control how fast or slow everything will be moving and in which direction the objects move. Students have also used many different materials to create their Moving Art Piece, including cardboard and chipboard, the laser cutter to cut out complicated shapes on acrylic, hot glue guns, more.


Sarah Lammer


Shirley Kahn