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Project Site: nEW yoRK, NEW YORK (MAP)
HALO is an art installation in the Lower East Side surrounding the M’Finda Kalunga Garden community (Chrystie St. & Rivington St.). It is meant to pay homage to the Black diaspora & Indigenous people that were once buried in that garden, simultaneously using the influence of African prints and dyeing techniques in the creation of the piece.
The installation was created in partnership with Fourth Arts Block (FABnyc) & artist Immanuel Oni and uses the already existing New York infrastructure to literally illuminate the garden.
We are grateful to the Jacques & Natasha Gelman Foundation for the supporting Beam Center’s contributions to Halo.
“The fence pattern is a wayfinding visual language referencing African and Indigenous textile patterns to provide a sense of identity to the site and it’s unknown history. The mesh material lined with lighting softens the steel framing and illuminates the site. This combination also makes the pattern feel apart of the existing spatial fabric, as if this memorial was always there opposed to a stand alone object. The dots accent the pattern but are also tombstones of the roughly 400 names only found and registered from the original burial ground.
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About the Artist, ImmANUEL oNI
Oni is a first-generation Nigerian-American artist that believes design is not about what he is making, but who he is making it for. He utilizes spatial justice design and visual storytelling to unearth narratives related to trauma, healing, and ritual. His canvas consists of repurposing existing public space infrastructure such as light posts, fencing, underutilized green areas or mobile spaces to prompt community dialogue and connection. He has led and participated in international art and urbanism workshops in Lagos, New York and many other places. He has been a Fellow for the Design Trust for Public Space, Culture Push, New York for Culture and Arts, More Art Engaging Artist Commission NY.